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Fashion Mobile Boutique

Fashion Mobile Boutique – 2023 a start to a new adventure

Where did this idea come from? 2 years ago I had started thinking it was time to transition from working solely out of my house to either a retail space or something else but had no idea what that something else was, something inside of me kept pulling me away from a traditional Brick & Mortar Store front even though my brain kept telling me this is the most realistically route to go. I struggled everyday for 2 years knowing in my heart I just couldn’t commit to one space, one location right now in my life because of two things:

  1. I love to explore, pickup and go whenever I please and having an actual storefront limited these possibilities as I would be tied to one space, one location and to be honest I knew in my heart that was not for me, our family’s goals, dreams and dynamics.
  2. I still wanted to be 100% present with raising the kids, being available to volunteer, explore, teach, grown and learn life as I set out to do 9 years ago.

So while I was out camping for the summer I kept watching Cargo Trailers drive by hauling ATV’s and something clicked, if they can move around from place to place and adventure wherever they wanted (within reason) what if I could haul my business around from place to place and have the best of all worlds, I could still explore, go see new places, be with the kids, go camping all summer and have the ability to pickup and go that works on my schedule, and the next day the search began of what is now my Fashion Mobile Boutique.

I am so excited to share this space with all of you, this is all so new to me and to be honest I have no idea what it is all going to entail, but what I do no is that I wanted to create a safe space for woman to come shop, have honest feedback on how something fits and looks, to styling “easy” outfits to fun conversations, laughter, connections.

My dream is to create events, host, and explore all over meeting new incredible people, sharing all of me and my passion, working along business to have fun and do something just a little different that you will always remember. I want it to be an experience, and I promise I will do my best to give it all!

This has sparked a fire in me, it’s been an incredible journey from initial dream, to vision board, to having an idea, watching it come to life to the excitement of the unknown.

I hope to bring you all along on this adventure, meet new friends, explore new places and inspire others to believe in themselves, step out of there comfort zone and do whatever there heart dreams of.

If you are interested in collaborating, having a girls night, maybe you want me to show up at your place, please feel free to contact me and I would absolutely LOVE to discuss how we can make it work.

Courtney xoxoxo